À la Maigrauge

image principale
année de création

With its new poduction will DA MOTUS ! propose to the audience an original project in an unsusual place. The spot is peculiar in many ways ; first because of its isolated aspect, between the nature and the city, at the margins of the old towns of Fribourg and of the nature reserve of Pérolles Lake., then because of the specific architecture of an old industrial building housing like in a museum a huge diesel motor formely developped for the transatlantique interwar period liners, and finally connected to a generator and producing power for the city. This gigantic metallic structure will serve as a setting for our eight dancers.

This project, that will be created during the period August to September 2017 by Antonio and Brigitte in collaboration with the dancers, will be composed of 2 different parts. The first one performed on the floor on great right angle stage, and the second one using vertically the old and huge motor.

Interview Antonio Bühler, TV Channel La Télé, 12.09.2017


"Impressionnante chorégraphie verticale... subtilement éclairée par Annick Perrenoud... sur une bande-son oppressante, lourde et magnifique signée Philippe Héritier." (La Gruyère, 12.09.2017, Eric Bulliard)

"Contraste saisissant... une plongée sensorielle. Le spectacle attire irrésistiblement... DA MOTUS! aime cultiver les décalages et les détournements ironiques. C'est ludique, drôle et bourré d'énergie." (La Liberté, 09.09.2017, Elisabeth Haas)

"Un spectacle de danse hors-norme... Une vraie performance." (RTS Vertigo, 07.09.2017, Thierry Sartoretti)


idea and concept

Antonio Bühler, Brigitte Meuwly


Antonio Bühler, Brigitte Meuwly, en collaboration avec les danseurs


Coralie Merle, Deborah Hofstetter, Fhunyue Gao, Johannes Lind, Kilian Haselbeck, Mar Rodriguez Valverde, Paul Girard, Vittorio Bertolli

Originale music "8 Megawatts"

Philippe Héritier

Music "2puissance3"

Gioacchino Rossini, ZZ Top, Mungo Jerry et Jodlerklub Wiesenberg

Lights and stage management

Annick Perrenoud


Brigitte Meuwly

Promotion and communication

Jacques Jenny


DA MOTUS!, Equilibre-Nuithonie - Fribourg in the frame of "RésiDanse fribourgeoise"


Department of Culture Canton Fribourg, Loterie Romande, Agglomération fribourgeoise, Pro Helvetia - Swiss Arts Council, Ernst Göhner Foundation, Municipality of Givisiez


Date Place Infos | reservation
Fribourg - Switzerland Equilibre-Nuithonie - Fribourg, Ancienne usine électrique Maigrauge
Fribourg - Switzerland Equilibre-Nuithonie - Fribourg, Ancienne usine électrique Maigrauge
Fribourg - Switzerland Equilibre-Nuithonie - Fribourg, Ancienne usine électrique Maigrauge
Fribourg - Switzerland Equilibre-Nuithonie - Fribourg, Ancienne usine électrique Maigrauge
Fribourg - Switzerland Equilibre-Nuithonie - Fribourg, Ancienne usine électrique Maigrauge
Fribourg - Switzerland Equilibre-Nuithonie - Fribourg, Ancienne usine électrique Maigrauge
Fribourg - Switzerland Equilibre-Nuithonie - Fribourg, Ancienne usine électrique Maigrauge