
image principale
année de création

When a 2015 Swiss Dance Award meets a 2018 Swiss Music Award! Special musical pieces over the centuries performed by the four virtuoso musicians of the Mondrian Ensemble will stimulate the choreographies and their kinesthetic energy performed with intense physicality by the four dancers of DA MOTUS!

A promising encounter in which compositions and decompositions will be simultaneously at work, where fragmentation of movement and musical sequencing will influence each other. The basic elements resulting from this "decomposition" will constitute a concentration of rhythm and dynamic, shaping a kind of choreographic and musical humus, from which other visual and auditory perceptions will emerge. DeComposition refers to the positive forces that contain the notion of the cycle and its potential for fertility, as long as we remain in relation to the organic.

See interview with Antonio Bühler, TV Channel RTS, programm "12:45", 04.03.2020.


"Une formule hybride, vivante (...), qui est un ravissement. (...) Lumineux!" (La Liberté, 07.03.2020, Elisabeth Haas)

"... un spectacle où pulse l'énergie vitale..." (La Gruyère, 07.03.2020, Eric Bulliard)


idea and concept

Antonio Bühler, Brigitte Meuwly


Antonio Bühler, Brigitte Meuwly, in cooperation with the dancers


David Pallant, Marioenrico D'Angelo, Martijn Joling, Vittorio Bertolli

musical interpretation

Mondrian Ensemble : Ivana Pristašová (violin), Petra Ackermann (viola), Tamriko Kordzaia (piano), Karolina Öhman (cello)


Bach, Mozart, Steen-Andersen, Pärt, Andriessen and Schubert, selected with Mondrian Ensemble

light and stage management

Annick Perrenoud


Brigitte Meuwly

promotion and communication

Jacques Jenny


DA MOTUS!, Equilibre-Nuithonie – Fribourg, Eclatsconcerts


Service de la culture du Canton de Fribourg, Loterie Romande, Agglomération fribourgeoise, Ernst Göhner Foundation, Municipality of Givisiez


Date Place Infos | reservation
Villars-sur-Glâne FR - Switzerland Equilibre-Nuithonie - Fribourg, Nuithonie
Villars-sur-Glâne FR - Switzerland Equilibre-Nuithonie - Fribourg, Nuithonie
Villars-sur-Glâne FR - Switzerland Equilibre-Nuithonie - Fribourg, Nuithonie
Villars-sur-Glâne FR - Switzerland Equilibre-Nuithonie - Fribourg, Nuithonie