image principale
année de création

How many times a day do we really act on what we’re thinking and do we think of what we are doing ? Our mind wanders and scatters about so easily. We often think about past or future … or we simply drift away, driven out of what we are doing by furtive ideas. We breed shadows that fleet and go off on their own accord.

ATTENTION speaks of the struggle against the flow of thoughts and fragmented images that pester and overrun us, it tells of the importance to live the moment consciously. The performance highlights how difficult it is to stay fully aware of the here and now. How do we reach peace when the mind wanders, absorbs and is soaked by all the day-to-day solicitations?


"Travail exemplaire de rythmes et d’images...pour dire l’excellence de cette production...c’est dans nos pensées que nous emmène Da Motus ! L’effet est saisissant. Une chorégraphie fascinante qui joue de façon virtuose avec l’image vidéo." (La Liberté, 09.12.2006 / 24.05.2007)

"Une manifestation psychédélique de l’âme…" (Expreso de Guayaquil, 11.09.2008)


Idea and concept

Antonio Bühler, Brigitte Meuwly


Antonio Bühler, Brigitte Meuwly, en collaboration avec les danseurs


Dominique Cardito, Brigitte Meuwly, Ismael Oiartzabal, Mihran Tomasyan


Brigitte Meuwly

Video creation

Iker Gómez de la Hoz

Lights and stage management

Annick Perrenoud

Original music

Philippe Héritier et Iker Gómez de la Hoz

Video advice

Michael Egger [anyma]

Communication and promotion assistance

Sabrina Deladerière


DA MOTUS!, Nuithonie-Fribourg




Service Culture Canton Fribourg, Loterie Romande, Coriolis Fribourg, Pro Helvetia - Swiss Arts Council, Municipality of Givisiez, Bijouterie-Horlogerie Grauwiller


Date Place Infos | reservation
Krefeld - Germany "suisse en suite" Festival Schweizer Tanztage
Limassol - Cyprus 12th European Dance Festival
Quito - Ecuador Teatro Nacional Mexico / Festival Intern. "Spondylus De Las Artes"
Guayaquil - Ecuador Teatro Centro de Arte / Festival Internacional de Artes Escenicas
Manta - Ecuador Teatro Chushig / Festival Internacional de Teatro de Manta
Winterthur - Switzerland 15. Tanzzeitfestival
Warszawa - Poland Dance theatre festival Zawirowania
Romont - Switzerland Théâtre Bicubic
Villars-sur-Glâne FR - Switzerland Equilibre-Nuithonie - Fribourg, Nuithonie
Villars-sur-Glâne FR - Switzerland Equilibre-Nuithonie - Fribourg, Nuithonie
Villars-sur-Glâne FR - Switzerland Equilibre-Nuithonie - Fribourg, Nuithonie
Villars-sur-Glâne FR - Switzerland Equilibre-Nuithonie - Fribourg, Nuithonie
Villars-sur-Glâne FR - Switzerland Equilibre-Nuithonie - Fribourg, Nuithonie